Beny Tchaicovsky was a prolific award-winning visionary artist, a painter, a musician, a composer and one of the pioneers in the field of 3D animation as an Art Form. He was a multimedia artist who expressed his insights into other dimensions beyond our waking state and life’s deep mysteries through his art creations.
Born in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, his paintings have been exhibited internationally in museums such the Luxembourg Museum in Paris in the show “Les Trois Ameriques a Paris“, as well as in exhibitions in Germany, Brazil, Spain and the United States. His body of work includes painting, producing and executing 3D animated feature films, composing and performing the original soundtrack to his projects.
In 1989 Tchaicovsky won a Gold Medal for his paintings at the International Connection Brazil_Japan Exhibition in Rio de Janeiro and First Place award with his painting “The Last Crusade” in a competition at the Natzoula Naveles Gallery in Davis, California.
After two decades of a career as a painter and musician living in Germany and Spain, in 1990, Tchaicovsky moved to Marin County in California and began expanding his 2D art into 3D and 4D. After he arrived in California, in the early 1990’s, he was one of the artists pioneers of using 3D tools as an art form. Tchaicovsky’s style of expression has been described as surrealist art, fantastic art, metaphysical art and visionary art. Beny resisted labels, he termed his style as Esoteric Realism in which he explained, creativity is used as a tool for self exploration and has a critical role to play helping to raise humanity consciousness.

Exploration of 3D tools as an Art form
In 1993 Beny established “ZOE Productions” a 3D computer animation company based in his studio in Fairfax, California. In 1994, segments of Tchaicovsky’s animation were included in the VHS compilation The Gate to the Mind’s Eye, It featured, among others, his 3D animation titled “Quantum Mechanics”, which included segments of his shorts 3D animation titled “Modus Vivendi”, “Delirium Tremendus“and “House of Mirrors”. “Out of Step” , “The Traveller” and “Intelligent Life”, segments from Tchaicovsky’s “Cyberscape”, were seen in the 1996 compilation Odyssey into the Mind’s Eye, a 45 minute program latest addition to the “Mind’s Eye series” distributed by Sony Music Video.
In 1997, after working for three years, Zoe Productions released his first full feature 3D computer animation project, “Cyberscape: A Computer Animation Vision”. The sound track was co-produced with Odyssey Productions and distributed by Sony Music Video. Cyberscape’s 3D animation was conceptualized and produced by Tchaicovsky’s Zoe Productions . “Cyberscape” opened a new dimension in computer generated animation. It’s 3D animation is a dazzling and surreal journey through humanities evolution. Tchaicovsky used symbolism and mythology, compressed in a fast paced video, which in a wry humor plays out humanity’s progress from the primordial garden of Eden to quantum mechanics”.
In 2001, Tchaicovsky released three more DVDs: the Morning Star Trilogy titled “The Call” (46:00 min), “Caught Between Worlds” (49:00 min) and “Dimensional Connections” (52:37 min). In 2005 Tchaicovsky completed two more 3D feature works, “Memoirs of a Shadow” (72 min) and “Luz Oferenda” (40 min). Tchaicovsky’s last work, ZyconX1 was left unfinished.

Beny began to paint at an early age, by the time he was 17, he was selected from hundreds of artists to exhibit his drawings at the Salão de Verão in the Museum of Modern Art of Rio de Janeiro. Later, his travels to Europe, the U.S and Asia, his spiritual search, exposure to different cultures, local museums and galleries all have further contributed to the development of his unique style.
Tchaicovsky garnered numerous awards and was the only Brazilian invited to participate in the “Les Trois Ameriques a Paris” exhibit at the Luxembourg Museum in France, as part of the French revolution’s bicentennial celebrations.
His work, “The Visionary” was awarded 1st place in the International contest for the best cyber-poster in the first “Multimedia Day of the 49th Cannes Film Festival.” He was invited to France to receive his award. The winning image was shown in billboards in Paris and seen by millions of people.